hello, hello, hola, hola


Minha foto
Rio de Janeiro, Sudeste/RJ, Brazil
Terráquea, sulamericana, brasileira, fluminense e carioca. Ah, sim... SUD, flamenguista, poliglota e vegetariana também, é claro!


Welcome to my life / Bienvenido a mi vida

sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010

About hugs, about soldiers, about homesickness


I don't know you, but I, personally, cried to much and also smiled so hard watching this video. I stoped it to dry my eyes a lot of times. For sure, the music in the background (Praan, Garry Schyman) helped a lot. It makes me remember a lot of things and a lot of moments, but only one person. My soldier.
Makes me dream with the day that I'll hug him so strong and to fondly.
Well, leaving aside the merits of hugs, let us turn to another situation observed: soldiers and their families, friends, that they leave behind in favor of the homeland. I really can't imagine the longing they feel from their houses and how people who are waiting without news are suffering. Well, actually, yes I can. But it doesn't matter at this time. Just think: is it worth sacrificing everything you have for something you may not ever have? For sure! Because if you choose stay and don't fight, you lose what you have and wont receive the prize you have not yet.
But what about you, my dear reader, that it regrets much being without your soldier. Don't matter if the person who's away is really a soldier. Try to understand my metaphors so clumsy. If he is someone who is part of your life, but was gone on a mission bigger than you, then you will understand me easily.
The soldiers that we meet are the best of our lifes - and the soldiers soldiers, the most brave of our countries! People so special and important... They would do all over again, knowing that it's worth to go back and find you waiting to give - back to the first issue - a hug. A bug hug and surely a super kiss. If you agree with me, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry because I know how much you're suffering or you have suffered with the
farewell and with the waiting.
I just don't know the power of reunion, I hope it's as good as it looks. That's why I love, love, love this video and show it for you. Hope you enjoy watching and wish you can share with your soldiers.

6 comentários:

  1. i cannot watch more, i am crying, chaff!

  2. o vídeo é realmente lindo, nos faz pensar em várias coisas que acontecem em nossas vidas, foram os melhores 10 minutos de hoje!! Obrigado

  3. k cosa bella! me encantó, grax chica x haberlo compartido. pero q significa "moses" en el final? hay un libro de Moisés? no en la biblia q conozco! explícameeeee xfa

  4. Alice-> bien, sí, en la Santa Bíblia no hay el libro de Moisés. Este se encuentra solamente en la Perla de Gran Valor, una escritura del Libro de Mormón. Si quieres saber más acerca de este otro testamento de Jesúcristo y de la Iglesia Verdadera, visita http://lds.org/?lang=spa

  5. ah, ya los sé. los mormones... oí algo sobre. pero asímismo, grax, nena.

  6. nossa, que lindoooooo! amei, DANI *-*
