hello, hello, hola, hola


Minha foto
Rio de Janeiro, Sudeste/RJ, Brazil
Terráquea, sulamericana, brasileira, fluminense e carioca. Ah, sim... SUD, flamenguista, poliglota e vegetariana também, é claro!


Welcome to my life / Bienvenido a mi vida

segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2010

Apps and blablablapps

Hey! Who here have a facebook, orkut, twitter, myspace - WHATEVER - and don't've an applicative? Not me! Wait... I said I "don't" don't have, or rather, I have. And lots of! I could spend all my time playing stupid games and I'd still be well. It's addictive, maybe it has some kind of spell or magic. Don't you think? Please, tell me you agreeeeeeeee! haha ok, fool, but it's the truth. I pass more than one hour by day playing happy farm, harvesting happy, happy medical, veterinary happy, cooking happy, sad-happy... and all "happies" that you ever imagine!! Welcome to my laziness, boredom, lack of what to do or how you prefer to call. Don't fall into the same trap that I'm telling you: run away, run away, hide away. NOW

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