hello, hello, hola, hola


Minha foto
Rio de Janeiro, Sudeste/RJ, Brazil
Terráquea, sulamericana, brasileira, fluminense e carioca. Ah, sim... SUD, flamenguista, poliglota e vegetariana também, é claro!


Welcome to my life / Bienvenido a mi vida

terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010

Loveyou, wantyou, needyou, missyou

It's amazing how love can happen. Don't choose where, when or why. Only chooses whom. Perhaps, while you're reading it, you're thinking "WHAT? It will never happens with me!" But you can't change the choices that come from heart. You obey them, follow them and nothing more. Without complaining, without weighting. After a time, the elected blue prince - not necessarily on a white horse, may be in a white pick-up - for whatever reason or situation, leaves you. There is nothing to do, just wait till he returns. And hope that he is waiting for you too, keepigng your heart safe. Clutching each memory for never escape from the mind. Remembering, recording every moment you spent together, for one day do better than before. Love doesn't lessen, but the nostalgia increases. Sometimes it seems unbearable, but then you realize that this feeling did you being stronger and you can do all you need when you think about that person. You can travel anywhere with your imagination, you can feel everything with your heart. You learned that you and him are together even though separated, because now there aren't two people anymore, but two halves of one.

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